Animal Care
Often times our veterinarian entrusts us, as owners, to manage the medical needs of our pets at home. This can be for multiple reasons: to lessen the stress of frequent visits, ease the financial burden of chronic or long term treatments, lower the risk of exposure to other pathogens or even just for convenience. These types of situations can become overwhelming, beyond your comfort level, and/or create a stressful situation for all involved. I am here to assist and provide those at home services for you and your pet. Feel confident in having an experienced professional coach you on the care you desire your pet to have, provide the services you and your pet need and work with your veterinarian to provide balanced care for your beloved members of your family.

I work in the clinical setting for 13 years and loved it!

So many amazing patients I was blessing to work with and adopted.

Love the time spent working along side my farm friends.

Another photo from my days in the clinic.

Often my clients turned into my pets

Another adopted pet
Working with sheep on the farms in New Zealand.
Working on a large scale farms was amazing.
My favorite turkey client, Horace. We shared a birthday and a mutual respect for each others space.
Some clients know they need you and accept your help.

A friend from New Zealand.
Animal Care
Beyond basic husbandry and grooming services, all medical cases should be discussed and followed up with the client’s veterinarian. I believe in having a working relationship between the veterinarian, client/patient and myself…all of our goals should be the same. A healthy, happy, and balanced life.
Coaching sessions are available to help you feel more confident as an owner. These sessions are customized but not limited to topics such as: what to expect with a new puppy/kitten, introducing a new pet to the home, what to expect from a visit with the vet, what does it mean to have blood work done, what does a spay/neuter surgery encompass, how to crate train my dog, how to trim my cats nails, how to clean ears, etc. These sessions are for you to feel empowered and confident as a pet owner and keep your pet getting the balanced care they need.