Emotion Code
A simple yet powerful energy healing method, designed to help you find and release the trapped energies that inhabit your body: the trapped emotions that may be limiting your ability to feel love and joy, and to create success. Do you feel your present is being held hostage by your past? It may not be your imagination. The premise of The Emotion Code is that the energy of past emotions can literally become trapped in your body, affecting your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
It is believed these trapped emotions could be keeping you in patterns of discomfort, sorrow, failure, and heartbreak.
The results say it all.
Emotion code can be done in person or from across the globe.
Working on Dakota has been very special. This is a video after our first session together and he is making progress after every session. He was having problems being so herd bound that his owner was reluctant to take him on the trails anymore. That is no longer the case. I love seeing both owner and animal enjoying life tougher again!
Volume on to listen to the owner explaining how Dakota is such a different horse after his second Emotion Code session. We worked from states away but the results are amazing!
Emotion Code
Created by Dr. Bradley Nelson (D.C., ret) after more than 20 years as a holistic chiropractor and teacher, The Emotion Code is designed to help you alleviate physical discomfort, ease emotional wounds, and restore love to relationships. It could even help you break through potential self-sabotage to live the life you were meant to live. Knowledge of the human energy field goes back thousands of years and through many cultures. The Emotion Code provides a framework for these ancient teachings by providing an understanding of how trapped emotional energies can cause blockages or imbalances in your personal energy field. With The Emotion Code, we believe it’s possible to permanently remove these negative energies.
Erin became a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner after realizing there is a need for emotions to simply be let go. It can be so hard to discuss the past or even know why have patterns of behaviors…sometimes they aren’t even our own emotions that we are carrying around. After discovering the impact several inherited emotions were having on her own life she wanted to break the cycle from these being passed on to her children. Often times we feel strongly about a situation or event yet we don’t understand why or how we can’t move beyond these feelings. With Emotion Code, we don’t always have to understand why they are there, other than acknowledge they are present and maybe when they became trapped, before we are able to release them. This can be life changing for many to move past feelings that have been stopping them from enjoying life. This is especially huge for animals or those that cannot verbally share with us why they might exhibit a certain behavior or life pattern.
For more information please refer to The Emotion Code | Discover Healing for more information.

Setting the intention

Muscle Testing

Verifying the response

Releasing what no longer serves us
Remote sessions
Canine client from near by
Canine client from another state
Canine client from Netherlands
Feline client from down the west coast
Canine client from across the country