Essential Tools
There are many types of tools available at any given time. Several of them we already have in our homes and some we need to bring into our homes. Our bodies are often off balance due to the synthetic products, supplements, and fragrances that have interrupted the natural flow of our energy. Bringing it back to the basics by using natural resources or natural plant based products is a huge step in finding balance. This is where customization comes in. Several types of tools are used in sessions and you are encouraged to choose what feels right for you, your life and in your home at that time. You have to feel comfortable and confident in using these new tools daily in order for you to find the right balance in your life. Here are some examples of my favorite tools.

Some of my most used and favorite tools

Hand Carved Wooden Rattle and Magnets

Smudging Sage and/or Palo Santo

Essential Oils and Sprays

Magnets and Crystals

Essential Tools
Crystals and Gemstones:
Cleansing Sprays/roll-ons:
Muscle Testing/Applied Kinesiology:
Essential Oils for diffusing or topical usage:
One of the most diverse tools used is essential oils. I love to encourage others to learn about the power these little bottles of plant juice hold! Having a toxic chemical free home, clean makeup options, infant and children products as well as nutritional supplements that are all plant based and essential oil infused can be the start of something amazing! Following the Seed to Seal standard, only the purist essential oils are trusted to be used aromatically, topically and internally. Finding balance in life doesn’t have to be hard or scary, as someone educated in the many uses of essential oils, I am happy to coach you on how to incorporate essential oils into your life. For all sessions, Young Living oils will only be used because of their standards in purity. Get set up with your own essential oils here using my referral number 3929944.
I-Tovi Scanner::
Another tool you will have access to is called an iTovi scanner. The scanner uses galvanic skin response electrodes (think of smart watches), pressure sensors, temperature readings and Bluetooth technology to measure small changes in your skin. The scanner recognizes each body has its own chemical and energetic structure and is able to use this personalized baseline to read a response it creates when a subtle electrical stimulus is presented. This bio-electrical response is then compared to the frequency of natural wellness products. A report is generated and you get take charge in choosing your next step to finding balance.
Vita-Flex is a great technique that you can learn to use on yourself between sessions. It is a key component to Raindrop and Animal Raindrop Techniques being successful in exciting the body to find balance. If we break down the term Vita (for vitality) Flex (for reflexes) we can get a better understanding for what Stanley Burroughs coined as “Vitality through the Reflexes.” It is a fantastic tool all on its own and even more powerful when combined with other modalities, my training uses essential oils. The book “Healing for the Age of Enlightenment” is a great resource for learning to do vita-flex on your own. Vita-Flex uses the theory of piezoelectricity when slight pressure is created by the fingers. A rolling motion is then created to move from the finger pads to their tips and then nails, similar to an electric switch.
There are several coaching tools one can learn to use daily when feeling off balance emotionally, spiritually and physically . These range from deep breathing techniques, visualizations, mediations, prayer, emotional releases, to journaling and more. Connecting and recognizing what tools work best for your lifestyle brings you one step closer to living the life you want. Shamanic Sessions are valuable tools for assisting you in identifying and connecting with your spirit guides, power animals or doing energy retrievals.
Tools such as magnets, crystals and gemstones, essential oils, breath work, grounding and meditation and visualization are all types of tools we can utilize to achieve the results you desire.