Raindrop Technique
Raindrop Technique is an anointing with oils and laying on of hands that brings structural and electrical alignment to the body in a relaxing and invigorating manner through the power of essential oils and vita-flex technique. “Raindrop Technique uses a sequence of essential oils that are immune enhancing, support the body's natural defenses, as well as the circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, nervous, and other body systems. These oils, which are high in antioxidants, are also mood elevating and antiseptic, creating an unfavorable environment for harmful viruses and bacteria that can hibernate in the body. Essential oils are known to boost stamina and energy, help you relax, help manage stress and frustration and promote overall health, vitality, and longevity.” —Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education.
What a session looks like.
Here is a quick version of what a typical raindrop session can look like. Keep in mind that every session is specific to that individual receiving the Raindrop Technique.
This is a time lapsed video of a typical Raindrop Technique. The session typically takes 1 hour.
Raindrop Technique
The 9 standard essential oils used are Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Cypress, Peppermint, and Aroma Siez. Each Raindrop Technique can be customized based of the results of an iTovi scan and the clients choice. The scanner reads the frequency of your body and shows the top oils for regaining balance in physical or emotional aspects of their current state.
The purpose of Raindrop Technique is to stimulate every organ, muscle and bone in the body at a cellular level through the oils, supporting the immune system, bringing the body into structure/electrical balance, and enabling the release of toxins or disease wherever they may be lodged-including those illnesses lodged in the mind and emotions. Raindrop technique is a non-secular art and science. We use vitaflex techniques starting on the bottom of the feet, moving to spine for some additional techniques (feathering) and ending the session with a warm pack to let the body rest and and balance. Each session is about 60 minutes from start to finish depending on the clients preferences and requests.
The client is the principal participant in and the means of their own healing. The facilitator is but a vessel assisting the client to mobilize their own healing powers. The benefits from Raindrop may not all be apparent immediately following a session. Adjustments can continue throughout the week following, as the client feels ready and willing to release. For this reason we recommend not receiving any additional healing modalities for 7-10 days after a Raindrop session.
The best part is that anyone can do Raindrop technique and find balance for themselves. There are more effective techniques a trained facilitator can use and often times they will be led to various oils to fit the client according to their needs at the time but no method is ineffective. Coaching sessions and raindrop kits are also available for purchase if the client wishes to maintain balance between sessions.

I was introduced to the Raindrop technique via the company Young Living. The founder of Young Living developed this technique.

its such a simple yet amazing experience.
I love hearing a client's before and after testimony.

9 bottles of plant life-force is all it takes.
The technique, the order and combination of oils is where the magic happens.
Being mobile makes this service available to everyone.
Raindrop technique can be modified for anyone and everyone. Every session is customizable.

Supplementing at home with your own raindrop kit is a fantastic way to continue to reap the benefits of what a Raindrop Technique can provide.