Informed Consent
I understand R. Erin Nussbaum is a Licensed Spiritual Health Coach (LSHC) trained to help me diagnose, treat, and prevent my own spiritual issues that may express as stress or emotional/physical pain in my life. Furthermore, I understand R. Erin Nussbaum is qualified to help me surrender and accept healing on every level of my being.
I understand R. Erin Nussbaum is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner (CECP) and is qualified to offer the Emotion Code energy healing system to others for the health and well-being of themselves or their animal companions.
I also understand R. Erin Nussbaum is a Certified Animal Raindrop Technique Specialist –(CRTS-A) and is qualified to help me make more informed decisions about my own and my animal companion’s life and health. I also understand that aromatherapy can help me reduce stress, manage pain, detoxify body and improve the quality of life.
I further understand R. Erin Nussbaum is a Licensed Veterinary Technician (LVT) and will not intentionally mislead me into thinking she is a medical doctor or veterinarian or is licensed as a medical doctor or veterinarian. I also understand she will not intentionally suggest a diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure for any physical, mental, disease, disorder or condition that I or my animal companion may have.
I hereby request and consent to the technique of energy, spiritual, emotional or distance healing modalities within the scope of R. Erin Nussbaum’s natural techniques when working with myself or an animal under my care. I understand I can act as proxy for the health, healing and well-being of my companion animal.
I understand that Raindrop Technique is a non-secular art and science and is an application of essential oils. I understand the use of essential oils may help me improve the quality of my life. I also understand that human responses to essential oils may vary considerably and are not predictable because of the unique chemistry, make up and intent of each individual.
I understand that natural healing therapies offered by R. Erin Nussbaum are not a substitute for adequate medical care. I intend to remain under the care of my primary care physician. I understand R. Erin Nussbaum will refer me to a properly licensed professional if I need -- or if I feel the need – a specialist to diagnose, treat, counsel or cure me or my companion animal of anything. I understand my health is my responsibility. I will advise R. Erin Nussbaum of anything that might help us work together better to achieve the healing that I seek.
I understand all healing may cause some minor discomfort, and some adverse side effects may occur through no fault of my own or R. Erin Nussbaum. I have read and understand the Eleven Points to Mention as a Prelude to Raindrop and/or the Statistical Validation of Raindrop Technique. I understand that is can take several days for the body to process the healing modalities.
I understand my identity and any information about me, whether I share it with R. Erin Nussbaum or he/she discovers it on his/her own, will be held in the strictest confidence, except when released by me in writing or required by law.
I acknowledge that I have read and understand this form. R. Erin Nussbaum has answered all of my questions. I agree to allow R. Erin Nussbaum to help me learn to heal myself and/or my animals using the natural healing techniques and modalities herein listed.
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